
Legal Notice

H.J. Schryver & Co (GmbH und Co. KG)

Rödingsmarkt 16
20459 Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0)40-23 63 3 0
Fax: +49-(0)40-23 63 3 266
E-Mail: info(at)schryver.com

Commercial register Hamburg A 36194

Personally liable shareholder: Schryver Speditions GmbH

Commercial register: Hamburg HR B 46428

Authorised Managing Partners: Johan Peter Schryver, Carsten Schryver, Managing Director: Sebastian Hertel

Sales tax identification number in pursuance of § 27 a value added tax act: DE 118 812 162

We invest 1% of annual
profits in local social and
environmental projects.
©2025 H. J. Schryver & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG)