
Soluciones a medida

Con casi un siglo de experiencia, somos líderes en la provisión de soluciones logísticas confiables. Estamos especializados en el transporte de cargas de proyecto, que incluyen mercancías con dimensiones inusuales o materiales peligrosos. Pero también transportamos otros tipos de bienes alrededor del mundo, desde materias primas hasta productos perecederos o café. Con 300 empleados en todo el mundo, una gran red de socios y agentes, estamos perfectamente posicionados para ofrecer a nuestros clientes la mejor planificación, organización y ejecución de transportes marítimos, aéreos y terrestres.

¡Elíjanos para soluciones a medida que se adapten exactamente a sus necesidades!


Tenemos la solución adecuada a sus necesidades

En SCHRYVER LOGISTICS no solo desarrollamos las soluciones logísticas adecuadas, sino que también somos su socio durante todo el proceso. Nuestros equipos dedicados en todo el mundo se esfuerzan por satisfacer sus necesidades, dondequiera que surjan.

Aquí puede encontrar una selección de nuestras soluciones logísticas:



United Nations Global Compact

We are starting to put our sustainability ambitions into action and are proud to share that we are now part of the United Nations Global Compact.The UNGC is a key driver to promote human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption. As such it fits perfectly with SCHRYVER LOGISTICS ESG Priorities. We look forward to collaboration with other members of the @UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland and will soon share details of our Sustainable Development Goals commitments.  


Our leased fleet of SCHRYVER LOGISTICS labeled 30 Iso-Tank-Containers are currently travelling between Germany and Brazil. A great opportunity to present our company!

Made by diversity!

Proud to be part of the initiative #madebyvielfalt. We support this initiative of German family businesses to set an example for respect, tolerance and openness. We believe that diversity is our strength and promotes innovative ideas and solutions! We value the different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences of our employees from over 20 countries and know that diversity is essential for growth and economic success!

Our new Customs Agency in Peru!

Since August of this year we have been licensed as customs brokers in Peru through our new company SCHRYVER ADUANAS PERU S.A.C. In order to offer our clients a high quality service, we have added highly qualified personnel with many years of experience in customs to our team.
We are ready to help our clients through the entire logistics chain, in a holistic way and with the personal touch that characterizes us.

Welcome all new colleagues to the Schryver World!

Logistical Offspring!

We are delighted to welcome our new trainees Leevke and Morris, who joined us in Hamburg beginning of August. Leevke (22) comes from the North Sea island of Juist, Morris (20) is a real "city child" from Hamburg. Great to see you guys starting your career with Schryver.

We wish you both a good start!

We care!

As a global company SCHRYVER LOGISTICS is actively committed to sustainability and responsible action. For this reason, we have defined, together will you, 5 ESG focus topics (Environmental, Social, Governance) that reflect our commitment:

1. working conditions, rights and equality for our own employees and employees in the supply chain
2. sales & procurement of sustainable logistics solutions
3. climate change & greenhouse gas emissions
4. digitalization
5. compliance and ethics

We believe that it is the responsibility of every company to have a positive impact on society and the environment. We will therefore continuously work on the implementation of our ESG goals and report transparently on our progress.

Special thanks to Niklas Witte who goes through this process with us!

Congrats, Nils!

Our trainee Nils Tyl has successfully completed his apprenticeship in freight forwarding and logistics services. He is staying with us and is now working as an Ocean Logistics Expert in our Import Team! Lucky us!

All the best, Nils!

SCHRYVER LOGISTICS running for charity

With our great SCHRYVER LOGISTICS team with employees from Brazil, Germany, Ecuador, Israel, Mexico and Ukraine, we took part in the anual "Hafencity Charity Run" on June 1st. In bright sunshine, we ran 4km through Hamburgs youngest district. Everyone did a great job - thanks to all of you! The donation goes to charitable projects of our city.

New line-up, new office

We are very pleased to communicate, that Beñat Matesanz Santamaria has joined us as of February this year as General Manager Colombia. We are convinced that we can benefit from his outside view and new ideas, as well as from his experience related to project and reefer business.
Welcome to Schryver Colombia, Benat!!

Benat will replace Henrik ter Huerne, who has been appointed as General Manager Schryver Uruguay. With the opening of the new office in Montevideo Schryver continues its growth path in Latin America. Headquartered in Montevideo will the newly setup organization be responsible for the Plate region complementing out footprint at the East Coast of South America. Henrik has served as General Manager…

New global brand identity

It’s time for a change! We say goodbye to our dinosaurs and are delighted to present our new global brand identity! Our business is growing, we are entering new markets and our SCHRYVER LOGISTICS Family is moving closer together. Our refreshed logo and our new website reflect who we are today. Check it out!


Logística en mercados desafiantes

El podcast “Logística en Mercados Desafiantes” tiene como objetivo desmitificar las complejidades de la logística. Está hecho pensando en las necesidades de las empresas que se expanden a mercados internacionales y en sus responsables comerciales y logísticos. El podcast es imprescindible para cualquier persona que desee obtener información de líderes en logística. Cada episodio presenta una entrevista con un CEO, proveedor de servicios u otro líder en logística sobre temas como:
• Apoyar el desarrollo empresarial internacional de las empresas a través de la logística
• Satisfacer las expectativas de los clientes en mercados logísticos desafiantes
• Elevar la logística a un servicio de valor agregado
• Por qué los mercados de nicho son mercados del futuro

Sumérgete en nuestro Mundo

Desde televisores surcoreanos y plátanos costarricenses hasta vaqueros estadounidenses y piezas de maquinaria japonesa, el envío de diversas mercancías sin problemas y a tiempo presenta una serie de rompecabezas logísticos, como la selección del modo de transporte adecuado, el embalaje correcto de las mercancías, la navegación por los diversos trámites y el seguimiento de la tramitación de los pedidos. ¿Le interesa? Debería estarlo. Además, el sector de la logística está en plena expansión, con grandes perspectivas de futuro. Buscamos constantemente nuevos talentos y aspirantes a transitarios para unirse a nuestros equipos locales e internacionales en todo el mundo. Las candidaturas espontáneas son siempre bienvenidas.

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©2024 H. J. Schryver & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG)